mk - mystery school dropout.
Easy there console cowboy! But while you’re at it enjoy your stay at my humble facebook[Hplain-text retreat:
Version: 3.20
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I’m a BSD simplicity admiring computernik, currently living off welfare and about to start a retraining as a system administrator after dropping out of applied computer science nearly two decades ago. I practice sitting meditation - until now in half-lotus postion ❀
I’m mentally not capable to program in a low-level programming language. I can’t handle a fast single-speed in traffic. I’m learning as best as I can about electronics and patch semi-modular synthesizers in my freetime, abstaining from “eurocrack”.
I see myself as a complete fool: a person that is one of those miserable creatures that took the ed(1) route. I’m a pedestrian and carriage passenger at heart. I hate car culture. No, I’m not Greg (._.;)
I’m spending my nights falling asleep too early and my days struggling to find a meaningful task - I enjoy black tea, especially at the morning. I like experiencing the night-sky. I’m a full-time teetotaler, lightening myself up with sparkling water.
I engage in various in-house activities. Sometimes I’m riding sine-waves, but not as often as I’d like to.
Before you wonder: my IQ seems to be equivalent to a vegetarian dish - one can easily say I’m gullible. My socialization were boy scouts, comics and book stores. I watch TV and take a long walk in the woods at the end of the week :3 I’m apparently suffering from schizophrenia.
You may browse my µblog or my public archive. Additionally you may reach me via IRC, fediverse or by e-mail.
Some pages require a UTF-8-capable client. The width of the pages on non-mobile clients was choosen to be max. 80 characters, since it’s a screen size, where nearly every device should be included.
If this homepage is offline, it means I messed up, rebooted or moved either the VPS, I’m away for a longer period of time and didn’t fix the problem or there is a power outage in the data-centre. At worst I didn’t pay my dues for the VPS’ or even the electricity / internet bills and couldn’t fix the problem beforehand…
Written w/ <3 on my mind - take care out there, wherever you’re reading this:
My internet is quieter than yours and [it’s trying to teach me something.] – solderpunk
If not otherwise stated, all content on this site is WTFPL, execpt that none of my statements or behaviours may be used to train an AI model. Not even for research.